I make things that people
like to share on the Internet.
I've written some of the Internet's most popular humor articles. I've made viral, snarky bots, enraging AI models, Emmy-nominated games, and extraordinarily-stupid books. I spent the better part of a decade developing and branding products at Google. These are a few of the things I've written/made/coded.

Let a sophisticated AI judge your awful music taste.
#1 trending topic on Twitter
The Verge
New York Post
Fast Company

Writing, strategy, and branding for some of Google's biggest, strangest, and most sensitive new products.

The New York Times' first Op-Ed game, all about the pain of waiting in line to vote. Nominated for an Emmy.

I'm a writer, creative director, and sometimes-coder who does a whole bunch of stuff: funny stuff, serious stuff, videos, stunts, branding, strategy, games, bots, and more.
Founder and member of BRAIN, a very serious art studio.
Currently in Minneapolis.